Alliance Starbase
Alliance starbases are built by your alliance, not by you personally. However, to get the resources to build them, the players need to farm Cardassian armadas to get Supspace Superconductors. In addition, within the alliance store there will be bundles to be purchased, to gain more materials for upgrade. These are used both for the initial build of the starbase and also for upgrading it.
The initial build requires 15,625 Subspace Superconductors.

Mining Plasma
This station is used to mine Plasma from Plasma Storms. Every time you finish mining a storm, you need to move it to another using alliance reserves (gained from Alliance Store bundles). The amount of Plasma you can harvest before you must move is determined by your Plasma Processor. Whatever its max capacity is determines how much you can mine before you move. So with ours below, you can see our max capacity is 700,000, so after we’ve mined 700,000 the mining will stop and we’ll have to move it. As of now, there is no progress bar or any way to figure this out, so you have to see if the resources stop coming in in order to determine if you have to move or not.

Plasma is also used for upgrading the station. There are different types of plasma, and you will have to build the appropriate type of Plasma Harvester on the station to harvest that type of Plasma Storm.

All this information is very new and unclear, updates will come.
Alliance Reputation

Alliance reputation shows your current standing in your alliance. As you destroy Cardassian stations or purchase Alliance Altruism bundles in the Alliance Store, this reputation increases. If you ever leave your alliance, this reputation resets to zero, even if you rejoin it later.
In order to do research in the Starbase research tree, you need certain levels of alliance reputation, so this will be very important not to lose.
Alliance Starbase Modules
These modules are built on the base, and are used to let the base do new things and/or to create buffs for alliance. Even if a member has lower reputation, they will still gain the benefits of these modules.
Starbase Research

There is a new Starbase Research tree coming with the station. Before you can do research, you must first have built the station. Then it will require you have different levels of two things, your alliance reputation and the level of the modules already built on the station. To do research, you require a new currency, Assembly Medals which you get from Alliance Store bundles.
If you have started researching/have researched something, even if you leave your alliance you will retain the research. This is even if your new alliance no longer has a starbase.

Alliance Inventory

There is a new inventory of goods which is used by the alliance as a whole. Much like with territory and diodes, reactors and the like, these goods will go to the alliance instead of the player (also these resources are now stored here). Here you will find things like Alliance Reserves, Subspace Superconductors, Alliance Speedups and Refined Isogen.
When the station is relocated or modules are upgraded, this is where the resources are taken from. These resources remain with the alliance if the player who contributed them leaves.
Alliance Bundles


Alliance Inventory Actions
Action | Available To |
Build Alliance Starbase | Admiral or Commodore |
Upgrade Starbase Module | Admiral or Commodore |
Collect Harvested Plasma | Admiral or Commodore |
Relocate Alliance Starbase | Admiral or Commodore |
Spend Alliance Inventory Resources | Admiral or Commodore |
Earn Alliance Reputation | Any Member |
Purchase Alliance Bundles to contribute resources | Any Member |
Contribute to the Alliance Inventory | Any Member |
Plasma Storm Locations
Collisional Plasma

Level | System |
16 | Bharani, Eizeb, Jishui, Kaus Australis, Ora Leraa, Pune |
17 | Aciben, Freyda, Kaus Borealis, Kaus Media, Oltomon, Vemet |
18 | Bubeau, Dalukerinborva, Helvetios, Skyedark, Todem, Wezen |
19 | Eisenhorn, Gelvin, Kosz, Wasat, Zeta Polis, Zhang |
21 | Baryn, BeK, Le’Onor, Llorrac, Lo’Uren, Mada |
22 | Dauouuy, Iocau, Jonauer, Rosec, Woxoxit, Zadiaoo |
23 | Foaiveb, Godui, Gowok, Posel, Tufem, Uikuv |
Magnetic Plasma

Level | System |
29 | Morska, P’Jem, Rator |
30 | Ascher, Doloran, Elequa, Emie, Galorndon Core, H’Atoria, Jaq, Lloyd, Noakyn, Nurnias, Parka, Sahqooq |
31 | Barklay, Ebisu, Inari, Lempo, Lipig, May’lang, Robeton, Sinisser, Tandorian, Tullias, Ulrich |
32 | Izanagi |
33 | Aiti, Ferrer, Kaisu, Kavka, Pekka |
34 | Tau Ceti |
35 | Argentomea, Siiolux |
Active Plasma

Cardassian Station Locations

Cardassian Stations are new armadas that provide loot needed to build and upgrade your alliance starbase. These are considerably harder than normal armadas until you get DS9 officers to remove the crit increase. In addition, station research significantly increases your ships power against them. They gain a 10% crit chance each round, and do 300% damage on crits, so they hit super hard.
Level | System |
27 | Myrric |
30 | Cardassia |
33 | Draygo IV, Celtris, Valo, McAllister C-5 |
36 | Kora, Unefra, Andrita |
39 | Trelka V, Borias Cluster, Manora |
42 | Vetar, Laon, Mora |
45 | Vanden, Arawath |
50 | Rudellia |
Cardassian Armada Strategy
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