
As I don’t have the ship yet, I’m still somewhat unclear on how it works. It seems this is another one of those where you hunt down hostiles, in this case Texas-class hostiles. These can be found starting at the Melruan system.
System Level | Name |
40 | Melruan |
40 | Nonsuch |
42 | Tunicci |
44 | Abriluni |
46 | Brawowe |
46 | Hornebolte |
48 | Stetson |
50 | Quiparas |
51 | Elt-97 |
53 | Mazai |
55 | Biscotti |
56 | Corvinus |
58 | Regiocomo |
60 | Medici |

If you attack a Texas-class hostile, your peace shield will drop so when you’re farming these your base will be vulnerable to other players. If you want to keep your peace shield up, when you enter these systems they’ll spawn hostiles, kind of like in augment space, that will attack you on their own, which will not drop your peace shield. Then you can just leave your ship there and have it autofarm for you.

Once you do that, you get some Neural Net Chips, which you use in the Monaveen refinery, where you will source solo directives for the new Automated Shipyard solo armadas.
Interestingly, you only a second type of loot when you are auto-farming the hostiles vs. actively targetting the ships normally flying around the system. These are active net chips.