Officer Breakdown

D’Vana Tendi
Lower Decks Crew
Captain Maneuver Base Chance With Science Synergy With Engineering Synergy With Command Synergy
Unfit To Lead 0% +0% +0% +0%
Science Synergy Officers Engineering Synergy Officers Command Synergy Officers
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Decreases Armor, Shield and Dodge of all non-Armada targets
5%/ 12%/ 15%/ 18%/ 20%
Doctor T’Ana
Doctor T’Ana
Captain Ability
Chief Medical Officer
Officer Ability
On round start, chance to apply a random state to enemy player of 3 rounds
40%/ 45%/ 55%/ 75%/ 100%
Sam Rutherford
Sam Rutherford
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Increases Armor, Shield Deflection and Dodge
30%/ 35%/ 40%/ 45%/ 50%
Alonzo Freeman
Alonzo Freeman
Captain Ability
Flag Officer
Officer Ability
Increases Cargo Size of the ship
20%/ 35%/ 40%/ 45%/ 55%
Beckett Mariner
Beckett Mariner
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Increases Attack of all Officers on the ship
5%/ 10%/ 15%/ 25%/ 30%
Brad Boimler
Brad Boimler
Captain Ability
Unfit To Lead
Officer Ability
Increase Armor Piercing, Shield Piercing and Accuracy
30%/ 35%/ 40%/ 45%/ 50%
Carol Freeman
Carol Freeman
Captain Ability
On combat start agaionst Players, Increase shots
Officer Ability
On round start, if the Enemy Player has Any State, Increase Isolytic Cascade damage for 1 round
60%/ 75%/ 90%/ 110%/ 130%
Officer Tier Level Attack Defense Health Officer Ability Ability Chance
Ensign I 5 100 100 100 Increases Health of all Officers on the ship 5%
Lieutenant JG II 10 100 342 100 10%
Lieutenant III 15 479 532 479 15%
Lieutenant Commander IV 20 677 752 677 25%
Commander V 30 1136 1262 1136 30%
Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3



Trait 1 Missions Trait 2 Missions Trait 3 Missions
Accelerated Bioforming
Geological Evaluation (Ore)
Alliance Exocomps (Attack)
Experimental Procedures (ops <30)
Geothermal Conditioning (Crystal)
Alliance Exocomps (Defence)
Experimental Procedures (ops 30-39)
Salvage Operation (Battleship)
Alliance Exocomps (Health)
Experimental Procedures (ops 40+)
Salvage Operation (Explorer)
Smuggle Cybernetics
Gas Contractor (ops <30)
Salvage Operation (Interceptor)

Gas Contractor (ops 30+)
Salvage Operation (Survey)

Geological Evaluation (Crystal)
Time Heist

Geological Evaluation (Gas)

Geological Evaluation (Ore)

Geothermal Conditioning (Crystal)

Planetary Survey

Research and Development

Scientific Breakthrough (ops <30)

Scientific Breakthrough (ops 30+)

Sensor Analysis (ops <20)