USS Titan-A
The Titan-A is one of the easiest ships to use. She’s pretty much useless in combat, so is basically just another refinery added to the store and a ship that can buff your other ships. Every day, you collect particles for her. Then, you can use these particles in the Support Refinery. To get these particles, you use one of her two ship abilities. The first one costs 3000 particles and unlocks the first of the daily goals, the second costs 12000 and can be used to unlock the other daily goal (though you can also just use the first ability four times instead).
The first ability is Fortification, the second is Maximum Fortification. Each of these will give buffs based on your Titan-A research, similar to how the Cerritos works, except they’ll give buffs to more than one ship, based on the tier of the Titan-A itself (the ship ability determines how many ships will get the buff).
The abilities will always buff all your ships. The ship ability determines how many allied ships will buffed. These ships will be chosen by first if they already have a buff or not, then by attack power. So the most powerful, unbuffed ships will get the buffs.