Farming Reputation 2

What is the quickest and most effective way to grind reputation? What should you be spending on and what should you not bother with?

Honestly, grinding reputation is a slog and there are no ifs ands or buts about it. There are many places reputation come from, but for the most part, they are not worth it in the long run. The only reliable way to grind reputation is dailies and killing hostiles.

Killing Hostiles

Hostiles are definitely the way to go with this, as boring as it is to kill them. So put on a movie or tv show, and be ready for a grind.

  1. To improve Klingon rep, kill Romulans. This will also slowly improve Federation rep.
  2. To improve Federation rep, kill Klingons. This will also slowly improve Romulan rep.
  3. To improve Romulan rep, kill Federation. This will also slowly improve Klingon rep.

So how do I find a system? For this, we’re going to be using

You want to follow the combat triangle, so:

  1. If you have an Interceptor, you want a system with Battleships and Traders.
  2. If you have a Battleship, you want a system with Explorers and Traders.
  3. If you have an Explorer, you want a system with Interceptors and Traders.

So let’s give an example. Let’s say I have a Mayflower, which is an explorer. I want to get my Romulan rep up, so I’m going to kill Federation hostiles. The filters I’ve selected on the systems are “Federation”, “Interceptor” and “Survey”

The reason for this is simple. Surveys give double the reputation of normal hostiles, and interceptors do minimal damage to explorers. So I can kill more than twice as many of these before my ship explodes.

Now I just go through the list of systems and find one that is appropriate power for my Mayflower. So let’s say I settle on Doska because it has level 26-28 ships, which is a good power for my Mayflower.

You can see from the icons below Warp: 19 that the system has armadas, Interceptors, and Survey Ships.


And survey ships:

So as you can see, the trader gives exactly twice as much rep. However, it will also do ~twice as much damage to your ship, because you have the combat triangle working for you against the Patrol, but not against the Trader (survey ships are outside the triangle, they do the same damage to every type of ship). So basically, when farming, kill everything in the system, because even though it takes more kills, it’s better to spend 5 seconds in combat and get half the rep than it is fly across the system to hit a trader for double rep.

Away Team Store

You can buy reputation in the away team store, but these credits are by far more valuable for ship BPs, especially as you can buy epic ships with them. You can see me working towards the Enterprise here.

Borg Refinery

Again, you can get rep in your Borg Refinery once you have a Vi’dar. Again, buying credits is much more valuable. You can farm rep but you cannot farm credits, and you will need more and more of them for the rest of the game.


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