Away Team Missions

Mission Name Mission Rarity Mission Duration Mission Reward Critical Mission Rewards Trait 1 Trait 2 Trait 3 Trait 4 Minimum Critical Chance Maximum Critical Chance
Accelerated Bioforming Rare 2 Days Speedups
Service Awards
Used in away team research tree.
Used to buy resources and speed up ships, buildings and research.
Physicist Inventor Engineer Scientist 20% 80%
Address The High Council Rare 1 Days
Away Teams Credits
Used to buy ship blueprints and reputation in the away teams store.
Klingon Credits
Used for purchases in faction store and for upgrading officers.
Relentless Ruthless Dedicated Chancellor 0% 100%
Alliance Exocomps (Attack) Rare 3 Days
Axionic Chips
Used in consumables store.
Alliance Exocomp Relentless Thief Rogue Resourceful 0% 75%
Alliance Exocomps (Defence) Rare 3 Days
Axionic Chips
Used in consumables store.
Alliance Exocomp Focused Thief Rogue Resourceful 0% 75%
Alliance Exocomps (Health) Rare 3 Days
Axionic Chips
Used in consumables store.
Alliance Exocomp Leader Thief Rogue Resourceful 0% 75%
Arbiter of Succession Epic 2 Days
Klingon Rep
Increases reputation.
Klingon Credits
Used for purchases in faction store and for upgrading officers.
Specialist Advisor Analytical Chancellor 20% 60%
Armed Escort (ops <30) Uncommon 1 Days
Rare Rare Star Charts
Used in away team research tree.
Rare Rare Star Charts
Used in away team research tree.
Tactical Warrior Security 10% 60%
Armed Escort (ops 30+) Uncommon 1 Days
Rare Rare Star Charts
Used in away team research tree.
Service Awards
Used in away team research tree.
Rare Rare Star Charts
Used in away team research tree.
Tactical Warrior Security 10% 60%
Bat’leth Training Rare 3 Days
Premium Recruit Tokens
Used in recruit stores.
Rare Officer Shards Ruthless Warrior 10% 60%
Bloodwine Contest Common 4 Hour
Klingon Rep
Increases reputation.
Service Awards
Used in away team research tree.
Klingon Credits
Used for purchases in faction store and for upgrading officers.
Warrior 20% 60%
Boarding Party Rare 2 Days
Epic Epic Star Charts
Used in away team research tree.
Service Awards
Used in away team research tree.
Epic Epic Star Charts
Used in away team research tree.
Tactical Marksman Augment Pilot 10% 60%
Calculated Treachery Common 4 Hours
Romulan Rep
Increases reputation.
Service Awards
Used in away team research tree.
Romulan Credits
Used for purchases in faction store and for upgrading officers.
Calculated Analytical Mastermind Criminal 20% 60%
Collective Bargaining Rare 2 Days
Inert Nanoprobes
Use to refine borg active and charged nanoprobes.
Service Awards
Used in away team research tree.
Active Nanoprobes
Used to upgrade borg officers.
Assimilated Fluffy Miner 10% 80%
Crystal Contractor Uncommon 8 Hours
Raw Crystal
Used in materials refinery.
Service Awards
Used in away team research tree.
Common Crystal
Used for ships, buildings and research.
Miner Surveyor Pilot 20% 75%
Crystal Contractor (2 Day) Uncommon 2 Days
Raw Crystal
Used in materials refinery.
Service Awards
Used in away team research tree.
Common Crystal
Used for ships, buildings and research.
Miner Surveyor Captain 20% 75%
Cultural Exchange Rare 3 Days
Federation Credits
Used for purchases in faction store and for upgrading officers.
Service Awards
Used in away team research tree.
Federation G3 Ship BPs Leader Charismatic Explorer Trader 10% 60%
Deep Space Reconnaissance Common (Solo) 12 hour
Rare Rare Star Charts
Used in away team research tree.
Service Awards
Used in away team research tree.
Rare Rare Star Charts
Used in away team research tree.
Explorer 10% 60%
Diplomatic Relations Common 8 Hours
Officer XP
Used to promote officers
Used to buy resources and speed up ships, buildings and research.
Diplomat 10% 40%
Double Agent Interrogation Rare 3 Days
Premium Recruit Tokens
Used in recruit stores.
Service Awards
Used in away team research tree.
Rare Officer Shards Empathic Security Perceptive Spy 10% 75%
Emergency Evacuation (ops <30) Uncommon 8 Hours
Federation Rep
Increases reputation.
Federation Credits
Used for purchases in faction store and for upgrading officers.
Cautious Captain Dedicated Doctor 20% 60%
Emergency Evacuation (ops 30+) Uncommon 8 Hours
Federation Rep
Increases reputation.