Scouts drop messages, which after _____ reputation with a faction, can be turned in for faction credits in the faction store for that faction.

Romulan messages are turned in for Klingon Credits.
Federation messages are turned in for Romulan Credits.
Klingon messages are turned in for Federation Credits.
Scouts spawn after 30 minutes in a system. You can plan a route that will take you from one to the next, enabling you to farm them. The best route for you will be different, as everyone has different warp speed and research, so play around till you find the best one.
Level | Federation | Klingon | Romulan |
32 | Thama | Ok’Vak | Unroth |
33 | Aiti | Eeli | Kaisu |
34 | Tau Ceti, Andoria | Beta Penthe | Aesir, Vendor |
35 | Siiolux | Lixar | |
36 | Sirius, Archer | Forseti, Quv Qeb | Alpha Onias, Iapedies |
37 | Tellar | ||
38 | Deneb | Gorath, Mempa | Nequencia, Altanea |
39 | Wolf | Brestant, Gya’Han | Terminimurus |
40 | Goesting, Zosam | Ja’Corash,Garyb | Tolain, Rowla |
42 | Hyland, Rua Ri | B’Oh, Klopp | Corvidae,Delmas |
43 | Almango, Kildare | Toh’Kaht, Inocula | Talvath, Ami Bera |
44 | Jera | Somraw | Ril Korvas, Naalur |
45 | Enten, ST-9417 | Het’Tenz’A, nuHmey veQ | Nuva |
46 | Leebyrn | Erzon’Uk | Ballion |
47 | Ertalwu, Yarega | Ch’Kmulk, Annalu | Elvros, Urhaasi |
49 | Miers, Caelum | Nalla, Rai’Trohk | Jorda, Loch’Grman |
50 | Rylan | Inoss | Aralen |
51 | |||
52 | Agataylor | Ariadexa | Magnus |
53 | |||
54 | Bairbre | Santesso | Mons Mortis |
55 | |||
56 | Areal | Kur’than | Kalalisko |
57 | |||
58 | X6-094 | Atlhe | Dairuum |