Before the beginning of any Battle Pass, you tend to have a CoW Event. This is one of the most important and often wrongly played events in the game. So let’s take a look at the rewards.
Bronze Trophies

The Allliance MS event awards Bronze Trophies, which you can use to purchase the pack. This is the most important pack in the store, as it awards 200 Rare Armada Directives and 300 Uncommon. Since one of the monthly Battle Pass events requires you to run rare or epic armadas every month, you need to have these saved up, unless you want to pay for them.
Normally, you can only get this pack once per CoW Event. However, if you’re smart and patient, you can get two. As you can see in the above screenshot, I’ve bought one of these and still have a lot of trophies left. However, the cooldown is expiring after the event ends so I can’t buy a second one. That being said, if I had bought it earlier in the event, I could have bought it twice and gotten 400 rare and 600 uncommon armada directives. Look at the screenshot here:

As you can see, the cooldown on buying this pack will reset before the event ends. How did this happen? It was bought as soon as the CoW event started.
The only way to do this is to save enough trophies from the previous month’s event to buy this pack. Which means NOT spending them the first month. So basically, if you save enough of these credits, every month afterwards you can buy two packs instead of one. While the other packs are quite nice, you can get resources and grade 3 uncommon materials in other places. There is NO other place, outside of your wallet, to get more armada directives.
So every month you must save 16,000 Bronze Trophies for the next month, so you can buy this pack twice.

Gold Trophies

For the Gold Trophies, you can gamble on more armada directives, or take officers, whichever you prefer. The reason for this is once you’ve doubled down on the first one, you are already guaranteed to have enough Rare Directives to complete the battle pass event. More is never bad, but then you have a choice for this one. As you can see, my officers need work, so for me it was more important to take the officer pack versus the armada pack.
Silver Trophies

So, silver trophies. Nice pack! But what event do I get these from?? Sadly, this is Scopely looking for your cash again. The only way to get them is to purchase them in the store. So it’s your call if it’s worth 100 or not to you. 🙂